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108 Siegbarste
Notables: Dead Oleg Stark

A Siegbarste (Plural: Siegbarstes; pronunciation: ZEEG-bars-tuh; Germ. Sieg "victory" + barst (from bersten) "burst, broken") is an extremely rare Ogre-like Wesen with dense bones, thick skin and a high tolerance for pain, making them nearly impossible to kill, they are incredibly strong creatures, much stronger than Grimms or other Wesen, and able to easily overpower humans, Grimms or Wesen. They are based on ogres and the giant from Jack the Giant Killer

According to Monroe they are the worst of all Wesen. Despite being incredibly hard to kill Siegbarstes are not completely invincible, with certain things, such as bullets from a hand gun or boiling water can damage and hurt them, but not kill or do enough damage to stop them. Also they seem to be prone to infections based on the fact that Oleg Stark was seen applying alcohol on a gun shot wound in his chest.

It should also be noted that this species seem incapable of becoming totally human, as Siegbarstes retain their dense bone structure and high tolerance for pain even in their human form. Human doctors diagnosed Oleg Stark's high tolerance to pain as congenital analgesia which is strange since sufferers of congenital analgesia can't feel pain at while Oleg was able to do so. The misdiagnosis was likely a result of the human doctors not knowing Oleg was a Siegbarste diagnosed him with the closet matching medical condition known to humanity.

Aside from being notoriously hard to kill Siegbarstes are also notorious for holding grudges to the grave and will not stop until either their dead or the person(s) who wronged them are dead. Siegbarstes will use unspeakably brutal methods to kill their offenders.

Killing Siegbarstes

Due to their durability, Siegbarstes are difficult creatures to kill, however there are a few ways:

  • High-powered elephant guns known as Siegbarste Gewehr with bullets coated in Siegbarste Gift (poison) will calcify the bones, essentially shattering the whole Ogre from the inside out.
  • One Grimm was able to tranquilize a Siegbarste using a crossbow and a single bolt to the neck filled with Schlaftrunk, a strong sedative. The Siegbarste was subsequently drawn and quartered.
  • Monroe states it is possible to kill them with significant force, although the chances of doing so are incredibly unlikely.
  • As mentioned earlier it is possible that Siegebarstes can die from infections based on the fact that Oleg Stark was seen applying alcohol to a gun shot wound on his chest, implying he did not want to risk it getting infected.

Nick's Encounter with a Siegbarste

In "Game Ogre", a Siegbarste named Oleg Stark breaks out of a prison in California and comes to Portland in order to kill those who had help send him to jail. They are Logan Patterson, Vince Chilton, Mary Robinson, and Hank Griffin. He successfully murders all of them except Hank, leaving a trail of clues to try to goad Hank out of hiding. He attacks Nick in his own home, demanding to know where Hank is. Nick tries to fight him off, but Oleg is much too strong. When the Siegbarste realizes Nick is a Grimm, he is intent on killing him, but Juliette arrives home and scalds Stark's eyes with boiling water. Nick is put in the hospital, and Hank goes against Renard's and Nick's orders and goes after Stark. Nick convinces Monroe to help Hank, and Monroe brings the Siegbarste Gewehr and the Siegbarste Gift to where Stark and Hank are battling. As the Siegbarste is about to crush Hank beneath a slab of concrete, Monroe shoots him, killing him instantly.


Monroe: "Siegbarstes are the worst. I mean, fortunately they're very rare. But if you ever come across one.... Well, I guess you have."
Nick: "You've dealt with one before?"
Monroe: "Yeah, when I was a kid. I mean, I didn't deal with him directly; he came after a neighbor of mine, two doors down. Their son, Freddy, was a buddy of mine. This guy beat Freddy's dad to death in his own garage, and then used his own tools to.... Trust me, you're lucky to be alive"


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