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Grimm Wiki

Template:Infobox species

A Reinigen (plural: Reinigens; pronunciation: RY-ni-gin; Germ. reinigen "to clean") is a rat-like Wesen that exist at the bottom of the Grimm creature food chain, that are based on the Pied Piper of Hammelin. They are similar to rats in that they are scavengers, not being the least bit picky about what they eat, and are rarely violent unless pushed to the limit. They possess a musical ability that enables them to mesmerize and control rats' behavior. They appear to be peaceful creatures like their fellow rodent Wesen Eisbibers and [Mausehertz]]; unlike Eisbibers and Mausehertz however Reinigen are nowhere near as meek or cowardly.

Monroe described them as being "at the bottom of the food chain" and hints at them living on the leftovers of society.
